Saturday, November 3, 2012


I told him, Blogging can't express my sadness.
He told me, SBGTL.

yea, Starbucks, when I down, I try look for someone to express my feeling.
But there always no one beside me. Sometimes I felt so hopeless, everyone think I'm joyful, happy, funny. Deep in heart, I'm not.  I just a human as usual, I will sad, I will cry, I will feel hopeless too. Just no one understand.  The more happy shown, the more sadness deep in heart.

Problem? yes, there alot of problem. Study, friends, love, money, work, you, him, me... uncountable problem. Time can't dissolve by itself. Study is hard, and we need it. Friend is many, but one is enough. Love is needed, but just not the time yet. Money is not enough, how to earn it. Work is not easy, that why enjoy my collage time. You, I don't understand about you. Him, just forget about it. Me,? hopeless..

I wish we were still same course like last time Diploma. No, time can't rewind. But I really wish it how badly. :|
I need counselor.  INDEED

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