Tuesday, April 2, 2013

life. April.

he said, why?
I said, no why.

sorry, been long a time didn't update my blog. a lot of thing that bring me to the past. I tried and tried, it seem it never success.
I don't like share thing. But, I don't know how can release my emotional.
Love, study, money all in.

I didn't know what I did wrong.
He just like leave a message then disappear again.
If you don't intend to find me, please don't ever did like you still care.
Some action brings to misleading.

Study, all just like brush into toilet. I can't remember what I in past 2 and 1/2 year
At least, I still got one more year to go.

Money, the most evil thing in world.
You need it to survive.
and I don;t have it. :)

story end.
and I miss my girl.
she seems got lot fun at her new life.

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