Wednesday, August 31, 2011

31 August

Happy MERDEKA 54 years


happy birthday for all today birth :)


happy new day for tomorrow

good bye today
see you tomorrow

Monday, August 29, 2011

Semester 4

yes. FINALLY , I done my sem 4 within 4 months :/ and also FINALLY I could online through my HOME streamyx :)
everything seem like so complicated after this semester.
whatever? cause none of my business anymore.

BUT I have a great time, a serious great time with them :( the plan,is full. Straightly after our last paper, the plan was planed. We plan to go the largest pasar malam,sing k at the mid-night time, celebrate birthday with Charis, shopping at time square with them, and bookfest, sunway...ect.

They are moving out from hostel. At first, I thought is all, all move out from hostel, and just left me..How lonely for coming next sem. But someone told me, she didn't move out. O.o
eee? she didn't move?Why? Because of parent. - silent - Just see her blog, hmmm, just quote a sentence from there.
' I could imagine that how lonely would I be in the coming semester.'
Why they don't think , how lonely would I be when you all said you're moving out from hostel?
hais, just forget it..they were still find you to dinner rather than find me out.

Anyway, I am at home. HOME SWEET HOME <3 nothing is better than home, it warm, it sweet. And my new journey will start until middle of sept.

By the way, yesterday went to sunway. it a Amazing trip.
Finally i met her AGAIN

Joan Liow Mei Ki - my dearest Ns friend. since 2 year ago :) so, this picture, i present to her.

of course , A skating trip couldn't miss. :) I have skate with eric , teresa and charis :)
have a comedy movie with SBGTF , and have a dinner with them :)


ps : if you were here, how prefect was the trip. Mr.D.

Goodbye Sem 4 and Goodnight to you guys :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Exam Week

it.. exam week.
time , is pass so fast. a turn then exam d..
just down one subject , feel so relaxing d..
what tomorrow ? finance? ishh

so much activity after exam.
but it all can be come true?
it always plan plan plan. but, just a plan. ?><